Term 3, Week 7 2024
Dear Families,
Thank you to all the parents and caregivers who attended our Book Week Parade and helped their children to dress up and participate as their favourite ‘magical' book character. The children and staff had a great time. Our next whole school fun activity is the Colour Fun Run on Friday September 20. Thank you to those parents who have signed their children up to participate in this activity. The children loved our last colour run and this one should be great fun too. The additional bonus this year is that a number of staff will be ‘slimed’ depending on how much money is raised. The Colour Fun Run will take place on the oval from 2pm but there will also be a liturgy at 9am to begin the day. The children will participate in a variety of activities throughout the day based on our school’s Mercy Values.
Next Thursday evening (12 September) a number of children from the parish and our schools will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is the time when a person ‘confirms’ their baptism (being baptised into our catholic faith), which is usually a decision made by the parents when they were a baby. The confirmation candidate is now of an age where they can make their own decision about their participation in our church community and complete their initiation into the catholic church. The sacraments of initiation are Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist. We wish our confirmation candidates (Kamsi, Chiagoziem, Sebastine, Amanda, Jaxon, Keira) and their families every blessing for this special day.
Each year as a part of our Religious Education Program we teach a human sexuality course known as ‘Made in the Image of God’ (MITIOG). It is based on the fundamental belief that humans are made in God’s image and are deserved of the utmost dignity and respect, and that sexuality, integral to the human person, is a gift from God through which we can live out our vocation to love. The program is delivered, often as a part of an integrated curriculum approach, across each year level from Reception to Year 12. Parents are acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children, particularly in the area of sexuality. In providing sexuality education, SA Catholic schools support parents in their primary role. Over the next few weeks we will be teaching the MITIOG program across all year levels. Please see your classroom teacher if you have any questions.
In a recent newsletter I mentioned that we are changing our phones over to a Voice Over the Internet Protocol (VOIP). Hopefully this will happen in the next few weeks. In doing this we have been given a new school number replacing our old one. Our new number is 8287 7900 and it is now active. The old number will still work for the next 6 months or so to give people time to start using the new number. Please change your contact details or address book to reflect the new school phone number: 8287 7900.
Please remember if your child is late to school, or is picked up early, they should be signed in and out through the front office. This is especially important over the next few weeks as Lisa Daniele will be taking some leave and there may be a few different people working on the front desk.
We would like to remind students and families to be wary of approaches from strangers, especially when they are unaccompanied or travelling to and from school. If they are approached, students should not respond and should not accept offers of rides or gifts. Students should seek the assistance of other nearby adults if they feel unsafe and should report any events to a trusted adult (parent or school staff member) as soon as possible. SAPOL advises that taking out a mobile phone and calling police can deter an offender and they recommend the student making a formal report to their closest police station.
Good luck to our Year 3 to Year 6 students who are participating in the SACPSSA Touch Football Carnival on Friday of this week in the South Parklands. We wish you well and remind you that you are representing our school and that we have high expectations about good sportsmanship and behaviour.
Please remember that we have the following dates set aside as Pupil Free Days for the staff to undertake professional development, staff reflection, complete hand over activities, etc. Our remaining set dates are: Monday 14 October (First Day of Term 4), Thursday 12 December and Friday 13 December. Please mark them in your diary and book in to OSHC if you require this service (spaces will be limited).
Our School Board Meets this coming Tuesday 17th September at 6:30pm in the Staff Room.
Kind regards
Peter Mercer
Head of School
‘Shaping our Future Together’
Recent News
On Monday, Commissioner for Children and Young People SA, Helen Connolly, visited our year 5/6 students for a unique consultation session.
Commissioner Connolly's role is to "advocate for systemic change to policies, programs and practices that impact the rights, development and wellbeing of all South Australian children and young people, ensuring they have all that they need to develop and thrive."
Upon her visit, Commissioner Connolly took the time to engage directly with our year 5/6 students, to seek their point of view about their neighbourhoods; and what might be some ideas to make their community better for themselves and other children.
We thank the Commissioner for her visit.
Hello Families,
I cannot believe it is already Week 7!
You may have noticed an increase in our numbers in our OSHC space. It is amazing to see the growth of our community and we have had many new children and families in attendance this term. Due to this, it has become increasingly important that you book OSHC when needed promptly as we may not be able to fulfil casual bookings due to spaces.
We currently have very little space on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.
With this growth it has also meant the addition of new staff. You may have noticed these new faces in OSHC, however I would like to take the time to introduce and welcome them to our OSHC community.
Welcome Ms Jay!
Ms Jay will be working with us in the afternoons as an additional Qualified Educator. Ms Jay is currently studying her Teaching qualification and is a welcome addition to our OSHC team. She is very excited to be part of our OSHC family and is looking forward to working with and getting to know our children and families. We welcome her to our space with loving arms.
Welcome Miss Nicky!
Miss Nicky will be working with us in the afternoons on a Thursday as an additional Qualified Educator as well as casually when needed. She is currently studying hard to complete an additional qualification with the goal of becoming a trainer for OSHC professionals. We are very lucky to have her join our team and share her knowledges with our staff and children. We welcome her to our space with loving arms.
Welcome Miss Ebony!
Miss Ebony will be working with us for a time to fulfil some before school care hours. You may know Miss Ebony from the classrooms as one of our schools’ fantastic co-educators. Miss Ebony is a wonderful addition to our OSHC space, and we are very excited to have her for this time. We welcome her to our OSHC space with loving arms.
Please be aware that Monday 14th October is a Pupil Free Day.
Bookings will close Wednesday 25th September.
Thank you and again please remember to book you children into OSHC promptly if you require care.
To contact OSHC staff and make a booking please contact the following number 0437 609 630 or e-mail OSHC at oshc@smm.catholic.edu.au during business hours and our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
Get ready to put on your runnings shoes, don your most colourful attire, and join us for an exhilarating and vibrant event that promises fun, fitness, and a kaleidoschope of colours - the School Fun Run's Crazy Colour Day! Friday 20th of September, from 2pm! All families are welcome to attend this fun afternoon!
Our school had a wonderful day celebrating BOOK WEEK for 2024.
Thank you to our parents/caregivers, students and staff who did a wonderful job on their character costumes - all for the love of reading.
Did you know, reading is great for:
Increasing vocabulary
Increasing creativity
Developing imagination
Improving grammar and spelling
Communication skills
Entertainment and Relaxation
Concentration and discipline
Creating empathy