The short answer to this question is no.
While we have a responsibility to the Catholic children in our local parish and to the siblings of those children already at St. Mary Magdalene's, we invite enrolments from families who are prepared to support our School Vision and education program.
The short answer to this is yes!
Our school prides itself on providing a Catholic education to all those who seek it. Every family situation is different and considered individually. There is a financial plan for everyone.
If you seek a Catholic education for your child, please contact the Principal to make a time to meet.
If you are a new family to our school, you are invited to make contact with us and request:
If your family is already attending our school, and you wish to enrol another child, please make a time with the Front Office to speak with us!
The school has two Reception intakes each year, one in Term 1 and one in Term 3.
Use the Enrolment Calculator to determine when your child can start school.
For Year 1 – Year 6 enrolments, children normally start on the first Monday after enrolment confirmation.
We offer a range of additional services. Including:
All Catholic secondary schools accept children at Year 7.
Our graduates attend a variety of local secondary schools including: