Student Safety

The safety of all of our students is a high priority. We have a number of measures in place to protect students.


The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC)

The KS:CPC is a respectful relationship and child safety curriculum. It teaches children and young people from age 3 to 12, to recognise abuse, tell a trusted adult, understand what is appropriate touching, and ways to keep themselves safe. For more information please visit:


Safe Enviornment for All

We know that the safety and free from all kinds of abuse, including bullying and harrassment and neglect. Schools are mandated child safe environments with legal, policy and procedural requirements for staff and volunteers. The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) requires its schools to implement child safety policies and practices, including child safety education. 

Please explore the links available on the CESA website regarding Child Protection policies and associated materials here: Our schools/safe environments for all


Feedback or Complaints

From time-to-time parents or others seek to provide feedback, raise a concern, or make a complaint with a Catholic school or the Catholic Education Office. This process is an opportunity through which school communities can strengthen relationships and work toward continuous improvement in the delivery of our services. To find out more information or to lodge feedback or a complaint please follow this link: Feedback or Complaints


Boundary fencing and entry to the school

St Mary Magdalene’s School is secured by high fences on all boundaries.  Entry to the school is possible via Harvey Road and Fairfield Road prior to 8.45 am each day.  The Fairfield Road gate is locked around 8.45 am and opened again at 2.45 pm each day.  

Entry via Harvey Road is possible all day however a secondary gate near the Front Office is locked around 8.45 am each day and opened again at 2.45 pm.

Signing in for all visitors

During the school day access to the school is only via the Front Office. Late students are required to sign in at the Front Office.

Vistors to the school after the gates have been locked are required to sign in at the Front Office and wear a visitor’s pass while on the school premises.

Road safety around our school

There is a carpark on Fairfield Road in the premises opposite the school and we are grateful to the Uniting Church for allowing us to access this carpark. This is a safe place to park your car and children can then walk safely to and from school across the monitored crossing.

Please observe and respect the Playford City Council parking signs on roads adjacent to the school.

Child Protection Screening Checks

All staff, volunteers and contractors are currently screened through national police checks or DCSI checks. 

From 1 July 2019 all staff, volunteers and contractors will require a Working With Children Check to work or volunteer at our school. Registered volunteers are able to accompany children on excursions, help in the classroom or volunteer in various capacities at the school. Please contact Front Office for further information.

Zero tolerance approach to bullying and harassment

St Mary Magdalene’s School has a zero tolerance approach to bullying and harassment.  For us to be successful in this approach, we need to know that it is happening. Our policy details school procedures in relation to incidents that involve bullying and harassment. It is available for download below.

Further information available at the Bullying No Way website.

Cyber safety

Cyber safety has become a major issue for families, school, local and global communities.  While staff continue to help students learn about how to keep safe when using digital technologies, it is important that the family and school work together to ensure the safety of all students. 

The Australian Government provides cyber security information for Australian internet users on the simple steps they can take to protect their personal and financial information online.

Personal Responsibility

All children have the right to be safe at school. Our aim is to support the development of healthy, confident and resilient young people who respect themselves, others and the environment in which we live.

Read our Personal Responsibility Policy Review.

Electronic Devices

Mobile phones owned by students are not permitted to be used during school time. They are switched off and placed in the Class Box at the start of the day and sent to the office for safe keeping. They are returned to students at the end of the school day.

The school will not be responsible for loss or damage to personal items.